Environmental Protection

Market Transparency (REMIT)

Information in accordance with European Parliament and Council Regulation (EU) No. 1227/2011 "on wholesale energy market integrity "REMIT" is published HERE. The published data will be continuously adjusted in accordance with the development of the interpretations of the Regulation, the related legislation or the interpretation of the relevant offices.

Integrated Management System (IMS) Policy in TAMEH Czech s.r.o.

The quality of products and services, environmental protection, energy management, health and safety of employees and prevention of major accidents are among the top priorities of the company. As an integral part of the management system, the company has implemented and certified an integrated management system according to EN ISO 9001, EN ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001, EN ISO 50001 and Act No. 224/2015 Coll. on the prevention of major accidents.

To ensure and further develop the IMS, the company undertakes:

1.  While complying with the legislative requirements for the quality, environmental protection, health and safety of employees and energy management that companies are subject to in this industry, continually improving:

  • To increase the satisfaction of customers and all stakeholders with the quality of the products, processes and services provided;
  • To expand the range of products according to customer requirements while maintaining the required quality;
  • To prevent pollution and reduce the negative effects of our activities on the environment:

    - To reduce the amount of the waste produced and maximise the use of by-products as raw materials;
    - To reduce the amount of pollutants discharged into various environmental components, including the reduction of greenhouse gas production;
    - To efficiently use and reduce the consumption of raw materials and energy;
    - To gradually remove old environmental burdens.

  • With prevention, to avoid emergencies, the consequences of which could have a negative impact on the health of employees, the environment and property; to increase the level of health protection and the working environment:

    - To continue in the implementation of the "Journey to Zero" (JTZ)
    - To continue in the systematic analysis of the risks associated with technological processes and the operation of technical facilities, use these analyses to implement the AM standards in practice;
    - To minimise the number of occupational accidents, occupational diseases, accidents and emergencies.

  • To reduce the financial demands in energy management:
    - To promote the purchase of energy-saving products and services;
    - To support and implement proposals to reduce energy demands.

2. To communicate and collaborate with local authorities, the public and customers, thereby creating a good image of the company, to provide objective information about energy management activities and about the impact of companies on the environment and the safety of citizens.

3. To motivate employees and raise their awareness, expertise and skills in quality assurance, environmental protection, energy management, occupational safety and major accident prevention.

To ensure the IMS Policy, the company management undertakes:

a) To maintain, develop and continually improve the IMS;
b) To monitor the development of legal and other requirements and create conditions for their fulfilment;
c) To develop the IMS Policy into specific objectives and perform their regular evaluation;
d) To fulfil the IMS Policy objectives, to create and provide sufficient material, human and financial resources.

The following is expected from employees:

a) A responsible approach to fulfilling all the objectives set out;
b) Compliance with the documented procedures and regulations of the companies;
c) An active approach to the growth of personal qualifications and competences;
d) Seeking ways of improving the quality, environmental protection, occupational safety and health and reducing the energy demands within their workplaces.

A quality management system has been in place in TAMEH Czech s.r.o. since 1996. The company's management system is in accordance with the requirements of the ISO 9001:2015 system standard.

An environmental management system has been in place in TAMEH Czech s.r.o. since 1998. The company's management system is in accordance with the requirements of the ISO 14001:2015 system standard.

An occupational safety and health management system has been in place in TAMEH Czech s.r.o. since 2000. The company's management system is in accordance with the requirements of the OHSAS 18001:2007 system standard.

An energy management system has been in place in TAMEH Czech s.r.o. since 2016. The company's management system is in accordance with the requirements of the ISO 50001:2011 system standard.

Integrated permit of TAMEH Czech s.r.o.

An integrated permit is a decision that determines the conditions of operation of a facility, including the performance of activities directly related to the operation of the facility on the site and that is issued instead of decisions, statements, opinions and approvals issued under specific environmental and public health legal regulations, if such regulations allow.

The validity of the integrated permit is not time-limited. However, on the basis of inspections carried out at least every 8 years, an authority may call upon the operator, in particular when preparing or making substantial changes to the equipment, updating BAT, etc., to submit a request for a change of the integrated permit. In case of non-compliance with the conditions set out by the integrated permit, it may suspend the operation of the facility or part of it with its decision (section 19 of the Integrated Prevention Act).

The Regional Authority of the Moravian-Silesian Region issued integrated permit reference number ŽPZ/1264/05/Hd to TAMEH Czech s.r.o. on 22 February 2005 (came into force on 11 March 2005):

Identification details of the facility

Facility name:

Plant 4 – Power engineering

Facility operator:

TAMEH Czech s.r.o., Vratimovská 689/117, Kunčice,
719 00  Ostrava, company registration number: 28615425


1.1. Combustion plant with a rated thermal input of more than 50 MW

Facility location:





Cadastral territory:

Bartovice, Kunčice nad Ostravicí             


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