Bodies of TAMEH Czech s.r.o.
- Kristina Červenková
Předsedkyně sboru jednatelů, Jednatel A
Chairwoman of the Board, Executive Director A - Rafał Zawada
Jednatel A
Executive Director A - Andrzej Rejner
Jednatel B
Executive Director B - Aleksandra Lubicz-Posochowska
Jednatel B
Executive Director B
At present, according to the wording of the company's contract, TAMEH HOLDING sp. z o. o. with 100 % of shares is the only shareholder.
History of the company
Contact details:
Vratimovská 689/117
719 00 Ostrava-Kunčice
Secretariat of the Director of the company:
+420 59 5684 337
TAMEH Czech s.r.o. represents a sophisticated and extensive complex in the industrial energy sector with a specific focus on the needs of a metallurgical plant. Regarding heating performance and local distribution network operation, the company is fully comparable with specialised energy entities operating on the energy market in the Czech Republic.
The heating plant was built in 1951 - 1974 in four stages as an integral part of the state-owned company Nová huť Klementa Gottwalda in order to provide supplies of energy to the plants of the metallurgical complex.
The Nová huť joint-stock company was founded in 1992 by the National Property Fund of the Czech Republic.
In 2003, Mittal Steel acquired 67.25 % of Nová huť shares from the government of the Czech Republic and began consolidation and restructuring of the Group (subsequently acquiring the remaining shares).
In 2010, ArcelorMittal Ostrava (AMO) detached its energy business in the newly established ArcelorMittal Energy Ostrava s.r.o.
In 2014, a joint venture with the strategic partner Tauron Energia Polska S.A. was established and the company name was changed to TAMEH Czech s.r.o.
The operation of the TAMEH Czech facility in terms of capacity and performance is primarily influenced by the needs for metallurgical production. TAMEH Czech supplies (indirectly through Liberty House) energy to other companies of the Liberty Group in Ostrava and third parties.
Production of TAMEH Czech:
- Air blast (used for blast furnaces with oxygen enrichment possibility)
- Compressed air to ensure metallurgical production
- Electricity for the needs of metallurgical production and external customers
- Process steam for the needs of metallurgical production
- Heat for heating and hot water preparation for LO and external customers
- Demineralised and softened water for own use and LO
Production potential of TAMEH Czech:
Total installed electrical power [MW] | 229 |
Total installed heat output [MW] | 875,1 |
Boiler room:
Production of steam with pressure of 9.6 MPa and temperature of 520°C
Production facilities:
- 1 steam boiler with a capacity of 80 t/h burning metallurgical gases
- 1 steam boiler with steam output of 100 t/h burning coal dust and metallurgical gases (blast furnace and coke oven gas)
- 2 steam boilers with a capacity of 200 t/h burning coal dust and metallurgical gases
- 1 steam boiler with a capacity of 230 t/h burning coal dust and metallurgical gases
- 1 steam fluidised bed boiler with a capacity of 320 t/h burning coal
Machine room:
Production of the following media:
- Air blast
- Compressed air
- Electricity
- Process steam
- Heat
- Demineralised and softened water
Production facilities:
- 4 back-pressure turbo-generators with a capacity of 25 MW
- 1 combined turbo-generator with a capacity of 44 MW
- 2 condensing turbo-generators with a capacity of 25 MW
- 2 condensing turbo-generators with a capacity of 17.5 MW
- 5 turbo blowers
- 3 turbo compressors
- Steam and electric feeders for supplying feed water to steam boilers
- Basic and top heat exchangers for supplies to heating systems
Environmental aspects – current state:
Environmental protection is one of the top priorities of our company. It is an integral part of the company's management system and is certified according to EN ISO 14001.
By complying with the environmental protection requirements, the company will further reduce the negative effects of our activities by:
- Reducing the amount of the waste produced and maximise the use of by-products as raw materials;
- Reducing the amount of pollutants discharged into various environmental components, including the reduction of greenhouse gas production;
- Efficiently using and reducing the consumption of raw materials and energy;
- Gradually removing old environmental burdens.
GDPR at TAMEH Czech s.r.o.
Regulation (EU) 2019/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2019 decided on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the movement of such data, and on repealing Directive 95/46/ES (GDPR – General Data Protection Regulation).
The effect of the Regulation since 25 May 2018 has provided a new legal framework for personal data protection in the European Area, aimed at maximizing the protection of EU citizens against unauthorized handling of their data, including personal data.
Act No. 101/2000 Coll., on the protection of personal data and on the amendment to some other acts, supplements the Regulation in the area of Czech legislation.
TAMEH Czech s.r.o. acts as a data controller and a processor of personal and sensitive data.
Processing of personal data at TAMEH Czech s.r.o.
Personal data must be secured throughout the entire processing period. Our employees take an active part in securing personal data against any unauthorized disclosure or any use that is contrary to the defined purpose by ensuring constant confidentiality, integrity, accessibility and resilience of processing systems and services.
GDPR Policy at TAMEH Czech s.r.o.
TAMEH Czech s.r.o. is obliged to notify the Office for Personal Data Protection of any and all security incidents within 72 hours after it becomes aware of them, unless the conditions to which this obligation does not apply have been met.
Each employee is obliged to report any suspected or actual security incident to the Data Protection Officer at TAMEH Czech s.r.o.
In this case, employees shall provide:
- A description of the nature of such a security incident;
- The category and estimated number of affected data subjects;
- The category and estimated number of affected personal data records.
Documents about security incidents are kept by the Data Protection Officer.
The Data Protection Officer at TAMEH Czech s.r.o. is:
Ing. Roman Růžička
tel.: 59 568 4196
e-mail: roman.ruzicka@